
Firstly, thank you all for your thoughts and support after my last newsletter about boundaries, particularly around our darling flatmate and friend Kev’s terminal diagnosis. Sadly, Kev passed away on the 23rd of September.

The lead-up was intense, to say the least – emotionally, physically, and mentally for him, and for us all. During that time, I had a pretty serious back issue (carrying too much emotional load, I suspect), which forced me to sit still for a week. Then we were pre-booked on a blissful 10-day break in Rarotonga, though we were very worried about Kev. We returned on the 11th and within two weeks, he had passed. It’s been a lot, which explains my recent silence.

But as I always say – with sickness comes healing, and his was a testament to that. Healing in relationships, spiritual healing, in meeting his past with gratitude and release, forgiveness, reconciliation and letting go of regrets. Though his body didn’t heal, his spirit certainly did and witnessing that was profound.

So now here we are – with a slightly emptier home. His daughter, Jorgi, is still with us for the time being, but she’ll soon head to her grandparents for some beachside healing of her own. We’ll miss her a lot – she’s become like another one of our ‘adopted’ daughters.

With Kev’s passing, we’ve felt this urge to cleanse and refresh the space. Jorgi’s been leading the charge. We had the house blessed after the funeral, which I felt was important to lift the spirit of sickness and pain, and it was beautiful.

Next on the agenda? Prepping the house for sale. Once it’s sold, we’ll move to our Riverhead home, which has been rented out for a few years since it was built. I’m excited to do that, to become (hopefully) mortgage free, and to have the chance to reset. Big changes afoot!

So, this month I want to challenge you, I hope you’re ok with that…

My question to you that’s certainly been a big conversation in our home for the past year and a half is:

If you were given a terminal diagnosis, what would you do differently – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically?

We’ve already made some big changes:

  • We’ve become ‘carnivore’ eaters (after A LOT of research) – supping only on animal products, predominantly meat, butter, real milk, some cheese, and Himalayan salt. Yep, it’s ok, we’ve been called all kinds of things because of it, yet I’ve now lost 9kgs and 35cms and I feel amazing! We’re looking to reverse my autoimmune issues, ditch the meds, and help Mick reduce his blood pressure and cholesterol and get off meds too. Watch this space!
  • We’ve made a pact to holiday more often (including more weekends away in the caravan and fishing).
  • And we’re committed to making our home the kind of sanctuary we don’t need to ‘escape’ from. We’re creating an oasis that holds everything we love and that feels like a retreat, even when we’re not on holiday.

What changes would you make? If you’re happy to share your answers, hit reply – I’d love to know!

If you’d like some help with your purpose, career, direction, or being better in your role – I’d love to help. We can work together through 6 one-hour sessions on Teams (weekly, fortnightly or monthly – whatever works for you). Let’s have a chat and I’ll work something out just for you. Click here to arrange an online cuppa to discuss your needs.

Can’t wait to hear from you! xxx